Monday, December 10, 2012

wishing and hooping

It's almost Christmas! I've been a busy bee trying to get crafts crafted and packages posted in time for the holidays, and do believe I've succeeded... whew. I spent this week working on kitschy dishtowels for my Canadian family, and I'm especially pleased to have finally finished the blue blanket which I'm sending off as a 30th birthday gift for my big brother. 

Today was one of those rainy grey days that the west-coast part of me adores, so I spent it on another favourite past-time: baking! Specifically holiday baking. I'm putting together thank-you packs for the family we'll be staying with for Mr's graduation ceremonies this weekend in Alabama. I whipped up a batch of dough to chill, then worked on some peanutbutter treats and made my favourite: butter tarts. They're better (I think) when they sit for a few days, so I figured I could get away with making them early. It took everything I had not to eat them! 

And finally, the autumnal quilt is finished! I put it on the hoop yesterday and began the long process of quilting it tonight, with chocolate thread in a chevron pattern. I'm trying to take a moment to enjoy having it completely pieced and sandwiched, but it needs to be finished by early February so I had better get to work! Hope everyone is being the appropriate mix of lazy and productive this week!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


Happy December! I'm not feeling very festive yet but I'm hoping that will come. The to-do list of Christmas crafting seems endless, and there are never enough hours in the day. My urge to bake all manners of deliciousness is rising, and I am doing everything I can to hold of just a little bit longer.. to try and avoid consuming too much, too soon. Isn't that always the December struggle? 

I took our pups for a hike this week, in "the subdivision that time forgot" behind our house. It is so peaceful back there - birds chirping, the sound of grasses rustling together in the wind, hawks and eagles swooping low to have a look at us. The sun made it quite warm, but that didn't stop the little pup from leaping in and out of the wilderness following some scent or other. I decided it would be a good day to hike the big hill at the very end of the road.. although once we got half way up, the old boy and I were wondering what we had gotten ourselves in to.

The view from the top is lovely though, and there is a big fallen tree that seems perfectly placed for resting. Little pup Early dashed about furiously while us old creatures sat a spell, and then headed back home for water and a nap. An hour well spent.

I've been working hard trying to finish this crocheted blanket, but it seems something else is always calling me away. I've made some good progress on the autumnal quilt and hope to sandwich it soon - I need to have it quilted by February; and then there's Christmas cards to address and shopping to do... I love the holidays, but I'm so looking forward to just relaxing with some boozy cocoa and my heartstrings.